Gümrük Hizmetleri Customs is the name of the taxes, duties or charges collected from the goods imported or exported to a country in accordance with the applicable Customs Laws. What Does Clearance Mea
E-Export and Basic Rules
What is E-Export? Electronic export, also known as cross-border e-commerce, is the delivery of orders received from abroad to the customer through online channels within the framework of micro-export
Scope of Law No. 7440 Customs Law
The procedures and principles regarding the restructuring of customs claims have been determined with the “Communiqué on Restructuring of Customs Claims under Law No. 7440” published in the Official G
United Kingdom and Northern Ireland Conformity Assessment Mark
With the UK’s departure from the EU, it has decided to replace the “CE” Mark with its Own Mark (United Kingdom Conformity Assessment Mark -UKCA) in the Field of Technical Regulations. The Guidance on the Use of the UKCA Mark, Pursuant to the United Kingdom Decision is Supplied in the Appendix.
İZİNLİ GÖNDERİCİ KAPSAMINDA TIR KARNE KULLANIMINDA KOLAYLAŞTIRMA Uluslararası Nakliyeciler Derneği (UND)‘den Yapılan Duyuruda; İzinli Gönderici Statüsü kapsamında TIR Karne kullanım prosedürlerinde değişik…
Current Automobile Tax Rates
The current automobile tax rates that will affect car prices were published in the Official Gazette dated 24.11.2022 through the decision
Right to Bring Duty-Free Mobile Phones
Ticaret Bakanlığının yazılı açıklamasında; “Yurt dışından gelen yolcuların 3 takvim yılında 1 adet cep telefonunu gümrük vergilerinden muaf getirebildiği hatırlatıldı.” Yurtdışından telefon getirmede vergi…